Fully Expressed Strength:

A 3-month program committed to make high-performing women of immigrant upbringings happier, stronger, & more confident while enjoying their food


Do you find yourself regretting how you got to this point? Your health, career, and even your relationships? Hate waking up tired and overwhelmed? I got you.


I feel you. Not just an, "Oh, I kind of understand what you're going through but I haven't experienced it."


I FEEL YOU. I've been at that point--20 lbs overweight, regretting unhealthy relationships and friendships I got stuck in, and repeating this yo-yo cycle of self-doubt and binging + crashing. 


After years of trial and error with my own mindset and health, I can confidently say I'm at a point where I feel SO good about where my life and health are going.


Now, I'm using the same techniques on my clients to get them happier, stronger, and confident without missing out on life and food!


Apply for health coaching & life design:


This is the problem: you have a hard time saying "no" to others and saying "yes" to yourself.

Let's face it--you're a people pleaser. It's okay, I've been there! Still recovering from it. But when you start realizing that you have the power to take your health and confidence back, things feel a little simpler than before.


Saying no to your friend's bachelorette party to Dallas, saying no to your parents' request for you to take care of hosting an event for them, and saying no to just every little request--do it.


You might feel like a horrible person at first. But this people pleasing has got to stop.


It's getting in the way of your health. Because your health has been in the back burner for so long, you've lost who you are. You've lost yourself in work, unhealthy relationships, and frankly, you're about to explode if Steve from work asks you to stay and chat "for a few minutes."


It's so exhausting. It's taken the most massive toll on the most important person: you.


You know that deep down that when you start taking care of yourself, like working on your mindset, lifting weights, eating right, and setting boundaries; doing so will propel you to living your best life. 


Your best life starts with your health.

Alright, girl. You already know what this is about. Take care of yourself! But we gotta do it safely and efficiently. That's where my personal training and mindset coaching skills come in.


This is what we'll work on together.


In order to increase your happiness and confidence, while getting stronger physically and mentally, we'll follow this framework:


Mindset: what limiting beliefs are currently ruling your life? What are your blind spots? I'll coach you through them and help you uncover what's been holding you back. We'll do a series of messaging back and forth, and video/phone call on an as-needed basis.


Goal setting: what goals do you have outside of fitness? To be the healthiest version of yourself, you can't hold back on your life aspirations. It can be your career, travel, and relationships. The clearer your vision is for your goals, the happier and more confident you'll be.


Awareness: we'll go over practices and exercises that you can do on your own as powerful tools that will help you stay on track to your goals and what to do if an unexpected event were to come.


Nutrition: this...is...my JAM. Literal jam!!! I haven't had jam in a while. But I do love a good restaurant, and I don't want to hold you back from that goodness. So we'll come up with a scientific approach tailored to you, on how you can eat whatever you want, but still get great results. Whether it's the science of calorie counting, or a looser journal approach, we'll figure out what works best for your personality type.


Bonus Strength training: this...is...also my jam. My bread and butter with how I started training women like you. We'll create a plan based on your goals, abilities, and equipment accessibility. You'll learn from my expert techniques on how to lift properly in order to sculpt the body that you want, while maximizing your time and ensuring pain-free progress. We're here for efficiency, not wearing you out. Yessss.


You'll keep track of your progress on a professionally developed app that'll have all your nutrition and exercise tutorials all in place from other amazing personal trainers.


Support every step of the way:

  • 2, 30-minute calls per month, to ensure that we're staying on track with your unique goals
  • Unlimited voice/text support Monday-Thursdays
  • Personalized + private client to coach portal/app
  • Tools & resources to ensure confidence in your own journey
  • Accountability on your path to your version of success



Listen to this video to gain insight on how to create confidence within yourself:

Or get educated on the scientific method + mindset techniques to effectively lose weight:

Work with me:

Here's what some of the 200+ clients we've served have to say:


It's not just about your body's incredible transformation...it's about your confidence to pursue bigger goals.


I was talking to a client of mine named Mayuka, and she had been considering creating her own online business. We've had a personal training relationship, but we both saw how much more she wanted outside of her accounting career.


Through several conversations, she's worked up the courage to finally start sharing her insights on social media on how to be successful as an accountant.


Because of her strength training and taking the time to work through her mindset, she has the courage to reach even bigger goals. I'm so proud of her!


Why me? Who even is she?!


Hi, I'm Claudine! I've been a personal trainer since 2017. I've gained weight, lost weight, lost myself in verbally abusive business relationships and friendships, and I just effing love food. Like too much! 


But I also see how much more potential women in this world have if they took the time for themselves. If they stopped people pleasing, self-sabotaging with late-night netflix hot cheetos binges and staying in unhealthy situations, the world would SKYROCKET to an even better place.


This isn't about you, actually. It's the people you care about. Your family, who's watching you. Your friends. Your colleagues. They just need that example of that one person who actually has it all: the health, the career, the relationships, the traveling, and ultimately? The peace of mind and confidence.


I know you've got what it takes--you just need to take the time to invest in yourself.


If you're ready to take a chance on yourself, I'm here to help.


I'm ready to make a change

Apply now with your email and name below. We'll get in touch shortly!

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